Episode 029: 3 Key Principles for Success: Lose to Gain Feat. Tim Storey

This message is for those of us that are tired & fear seems to be taking over. For those of us that just can't see success peaking through anymore. If you're life & business is not going as planned, or if you are facing a battle you just don't have the means to win, this message is for you. Pastor Sergio de la Mora & Dr Tim Storey take off the gloves & get in the ring with us & coach us once more on Life, Business & God's plans for our success. They remind us how we must stay EMOTIONALLY committed & how God is more interested in what he is building IN YOU, than what HE is building THROUGH you. Let's venture together as we gain our SIGHT back, & get ready to go one more round as we- continue on the Road to Restoration.


Episode 030: Why The World Needed Jesus


Episode 028: God's Perfect Plan: How to Find Peace and Clarity in the Middle of Chaos